The Rosicrucians: The History, Mythology, and Rituals of an Esoteric Order Review

The Rosicrucians: The History, Mythology, and Rituals of an Esoteric Order
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The Rosicrucians: The History, Mythology, and Rituals of an Esoteric Order ReviewFor those with a preliminary interest in the Rosicrucian (R+C) philosophy and teachings, this is a good overall introduction. The book ties together the Gnostic- and Hermetic-influenced origins of the R+C and various accounts of their evolution through the ages up to the 1990s.
This book was written by an author who is up to his neck in esotericism and the history of the Age of Reason. The author does a good job of explaining just how dangerous it was in times past to hold some of the beliefs that R+Cs did, and why things were kept so secret. I had the feeling he did his research well, going back where possible to original documents in various continental libraries in order to do so. One glance at the bibliography of this book will prove the breadth of his research and, likely, the intensity of his interest in the subject.
It is not a handbook of R+C teachings, but does contain very helpful information on key parts of the R+C tradition: the Fama Fraternitatis, Confessio Fraternitatis and Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz. The roles of key personalities relevant to the R+C are considered: Johann Andraea, Francis Bacon, Dr. R. Swinburne Clymer, John Dee, Rene Descartes, Goethe, Max Heindel, Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, Michael Maier, Paschal B. Randolph, Rudolph Steiner, A.E. Waite, Adam Weishaupt (of the Bavarian Illuminati), etc.
There are 16 b/w plate illustrations.
One of the later chapters gives potted histories of some of the 20th century R+C groups: AMORC, Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis, Golden Dawn, Lectorium Rosicrucianum, Rosicrucian Fellowship.
Although this book is not an exposé of detailed R+C teachings and symbology, it is a valuable resource for someone interested in knowing more about the Rosicrucians and in tying together the various strands, movements and philosophies.The Rosicrucians: The History, Mythology, and Rituals of an Esoteric Order Overview

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To Light A Sacred Flame: Practical Witchcraft for the Millenium (RavenWolf To Series) Review

To Light A Sacred Flame: Practical Witchcraft for the Millenium (RavenWolf To Series)
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Are you looking to buy To Light A Sacred Flame: Practical Witchcraft for the Millenium (RavenWolf To Series)? Here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on To Light A Sacred Flame: Practical Witchcraft for the Millenium (RavenWolf To Series). Check out the link below:

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To Light A Sacred Flame: Practical Witchcraft for the Millenium (RavenWolf To Series) ReviewI am not new to Paganism and I have not bought any of this author's books before. The blurred naked woman and mentioning the millenium (Christian dating system) on the cover are tacky, but that doesn't damage the rest of the book. Ravenwolf's "Barbie Wicca" covers have been problematic before, after all.
In this book, Silver Ravenwolf explains some things about the Pagan/Wiccan religion clearly, and without the political baggage that some people these days find hard to deal with in some of the older Pagan books. She avoids unlikely claims about her own qualifications, and even manages a gentle and charming sense of humor. It's an easy and pleasant read, in a conversational style, full of interesting things to think about. A teenager would also be able to understand it.
Is this book fiction? I think the author believes what she writes. This text should be understood as religion, not engineering. Not everything here will work all the time or for everyone. If you don't believe in the religion, you won't believe this, and the book doesn't spend much space trying to persuade skeptics. There are disclaimers, and putting more of them would make for unreadable prose, so it's good there aren't more.
Likewise, if you only accept a particular kind of Paganism, and if this falls outside it, you won't like it. This book has one of the best discussions of how Pagan practice differs among individuals. No surprise that some people like meditating with slinkies, and some find it silly to use tools that weren't designed as religious articles. Since this book deals with integrating magic into everyday life, it's no surprise to find everyday objects.
Someone interested in this book might also want to read Marion Weinstein's _Positive_Magic,_ and Isaac Bonewitz's _Real_Magic_, and (most important as a supplement) Robin Wood's _When,_Why_..._If_, which give slightly different points of view on related topics - not only how you CAN do but also what you SHOULD do.To Light A Sacred Flame: Practical Witchcraft for the Millenium (RavenWolf To Series) Overview

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Faith and Magick in the Armed Forces: A Handbook for Pagans in the Military Review

Faith and Magick in the Armed Forces: A Handbook for Pagans in the Military
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Faith and Magick in the Armed Forces: A Handbook for Pagans in the Military ReviewStefani Barner explores some of the basic issues that military Pagans face in the military today. While she does explore issues of the dichotomy of working for peace while waging war, she does not do so in a way that belittles the sacrifices or seriousness of those engaged in war. She states many times in the book that all soldiers work towards peace and that there are times when war must be the instrument of peace.
She describes some basic obstacles that Pagans face in gaining recognition and working their way through the initiatory experience that the military is. And she provides commentary by other military Pagans, as she is one herself, that expands the perspective of the book.
As a member of a three-generational military Pagan family, I must say that we have all found this book to be accurate, moving and helpful. So many of the things she offers are from her own heart and touched ours. I would recommend this book to any military Pagan or to any Pagan that is looking to understand the viewpoint of the military Pagan.Faith and Magick in the Armed Forces: A Handbook for Pagans in the Military Overview

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The Sword & the Serpent: The Two-Fold Qabalistic Universe (The Magical Philosophy) Review

The Sword and the Serpent: The Two-Fold Qabalistic Universe (The Magical Philosophy)
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The Sword & the Serpent: The Two-Fold Qabalistic Universe (The Magical Philosophy) ReviewThis work covers the Tree of Life in both macrocosmic and microcosmic applications, as well as some basic elements of Hermetic magic(k) using this structure. There are many books that cover the same material.
Three things however really set this book apart. The first is that the book weaves in diverse sources from big bang theory through major Neoplatonists such as Plotinus. The authors display wisdom in selecting elements and bring tremendous knowledge to bear. Secondly, the book includes, in the discussion of the Tree of Life, clear instructions relating to Theurgy. This provides opportunities to put into practice material from the book right away.
The final element is that the authors demonstrate a mature understanding of the material in question. This book is a classic which will be of use to Hermetic magicians for many years to come. Highly recommended.The Sword & the Serpent: The Two-Fold Qabalistic Universe (The Magical Philosophy) Overview

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The Inner Temple of Witchcraft Meditation CD Companion (Penczak Temple Series) Review

The Inner Temple of Witchcraft Meditation CD Companion (Penczak Temple Series)
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Are you looking to buy The Inner Temple of Witchcraft Meditation CD Companion (Penczak Temple Series)? Here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on The Inner Temple of Witchcraft Meditation CD Companion (Penczak Temple Series). Check out the link below:

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The Inner Temple of Witchcraft Meditation CD Companion (Penczak Temple Series) ReviewIt was an excellent idea to make a CD companion to the book "Inner Temple of Witchcraft." A lot of the meditations in the book are longer and involved, and having it narrated to you is a lot easier than straining to remember what you're supposed to be doing during a meditation. The production quality of the CD set is very good. Penczak has a good narration style, and the music is unobtrusive and mood-enhancing. If you are working through the book, then this is an excellent tool to help you on your way.
However, I had one big problem with the CDs, and that's why the set only gets 4 stars instead of 5. Rather than having each meditation with its own track, all the meditation exercises from a chapter are lumped together as one track. So, if you want to do the exercises singly instead of a chapter at a time, you have to hold down the skip button to get where you want to be on the CD. Needless to say, this is not exactly conducive to a deep meditative state. This can be overcome by some computer editing, but if you don't have the tools or the patience, then there's not much you can do.
That annoyance aside, I do recommend getting the CDs as well as the book if you're going to be working through the meditation exercises.The Inner Temple of Witchcraft Meditation CD Companion (Penczak Temple Series) Overview

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Fang and Fur, Blood and Bone: A Primal Guide to Animal Magic Review

Fang and Fur, Blood and Bone: A Primal Guide to Animal Magic
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Fang and Fur, Blood and Bone: A Primal Guide to Animal Magic ReviewLupa's book is exactly as it says: practical and straight-forward with no hand-holding exercises. Don't expect prefab spells or "this is the way you should do it." She gives you ideas, starting places, and the results from her own work, then turns you loose with the knowledge to do it your own way. No stone is left unturned with chapters on the standard totemism and familiars, moving on to invocation and evocation of animal entities, the creation of animal entities, shapeshifting, and even the heretofore taboo subjects of the use of animal parts in magic and animal sacrifice. Even these branch off into subsections dealing with everything from mythology to cryptozoology and therianthropy.
The art is beautiful and the writing is clear and easy to read; I devoured it the night I got it (something I almost never do with any book). Elements of paleopaganism, neopaganism, and pop culture (including a guest appearance by Moro no Kimi and mentions of such seemingly random and unrelated subjects as "Pokemon" and "Star Wars") blend together to bring something completely new to the standard fare currently ascribed to books on animal magic. Even the chapter on totems alone is well worth it, going far more indepth than any I've read so far.
In short, for those of you (be you magician, witch, whatever, or not) tired of reading the same totem dictionary in fifteen different covers by thirty different authors, this book is for you.Fang and Fur, Blood and Bone: A Primal Guide to Animal Magic Overview

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Natural Witchery: Intuitive, Personal & Practical Magick Review

Natural Witchery: Intuitive, Personal and Practical Magick
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Natural Witchery: Intuitive, Personal & Practical Magick ReviewI found this book to be a wonderful help in developing my own personal style of Natural Witchery. She helped me define my own psychic strength and how to use it in magic and personal growth. Her personal style of writing is like talking to an old friend who gives loving advise and encouragment. I have been practicing for 3 years as a solo witch after many discouraging group attempts. This book helped me realize that my solo practice is acutally called Natural Witchery and her advise and activities helped deepen my own spirtuality and even gave me courage to start a new circle.
THE uses this book as a reference point. This book gives great advise on starting a cirlce not a coven. My Circle loves this book and what is great we are using the books activities and ideas as well.
I highly recommend this book for anyone wanting to start a circle or to anyone who is solo and wants to use your stregths to work the craft as well as personal growth. This form of witchery is beautiful and I was so glad to see I wasn't alone.Natural Witchery: Intuitive, Personal & Practical Magick Overview

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