Faith and Magick in the Armed Forces: A Handbook for Pagans in the Military Review

Faith and Magick in the Armed Forces: A Handbook for Pagans in the Military
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Faith and Magick in the Armed Forces: A Handbook for Pagans in the Military ReviewStefani Barner explores some of the basic issues that military Pagans face in the military today. While she does explore issues of the dichotomy of working for peace while waging war, she does not do so in a way that belittles the sacrifices or seriousness of those engaged in war. She states many times in the book that all soldiers work towards peace and that there are times when war must be the instrument of peace.
She describes some basic obstacles that Pagans face in gaining recognition and working their way through the initiatory experience that the military is. And she provides commentary by other military Pagans, as she is one herself, that expands the perspective of the book.
As a member of a three-generational military Pagan family, I must say that we have all found this book to be accurate, moving and helpful. So many of the things she offers are from her own heart and touched ours. I would recommend this book to any military Pagan or to any Pagan that is looking to understand the viewpoint of the military Pagan.Faith and Magick in the Armed Forces: A Handbook for Pagans in the Military Overview

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