Voodoo Dolls In Magick And Ritual Review

Voodoo Dolls In Magick And Ritual
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Voodoo Dolls In Magick And Ritual ReviewNot a historian. One of my pet peeves is when people communicate wrong history in Nawlins. I understand Denise Alvarado writes plenty of books and her success is mostly due to the demand on Nawlins or Louisiana Voodoo heritage being way more than the books that are being written and distributed. The best publications on Voodoo aren't even published. The best history books on Louisiana aren't even published mostly due to a movement by the Government to hide Creole history from America, being that having a class of people of color, that lived on the same or almost the same status as whites during slavery takes away from the American Narrative.
Alvarado states that in 1804, Napoleon invaded Cuba, driving out Hispanics from Cuba into Nawlins and this is how Voodoo came about in the city. That's simply untrue. Creoles were always in Louisiana since the founding of the state and Africans were being imported up the Mississippi River from the Congo and Angola, so Africans were already there and being allowed to worship on Sundays in Nawlins Congo Square. Now, where Creole Voodoo came in, was during the Haitian Black Slave Revolt, which didn't just drive out the white French Creole but a huge population of mixed race or mulattoe Creoles, who fled into Nawlins, during the late 1700's to the mid 1800's. In the entire French Quarter of Nawlins, during the 1800's there was only one Cuban Creole businessman who owned a cigar shop. The mixed race Creoles of middle class status, who monopolized the commerce, publications and businesses were the keepers of Creole Voodoo and not the one of two that came from Cuba. So Creole Voodoo in Nawlins predates her 1804 starting point.
Spain and Spanish heritage is not a huge part of Nawlins except for some of the architecture but many Creoles of Color from Cajun Country or Lower South West La. State keep trying to make Louisiana some Spanish colony when it was dominated by the French (99.9%)-so saying that Cubans ushered in Creole Voodoo couldn't be further from the truth. And just to be real about it, Voodoo dolls aren't really a staple to La. Voodoo but more of a creation of whites and Hollywood. I know plenty of people who practice Voodoo, like almost all of my ancestors, and dolls are definitely over hyped up but she is selling a book even though many of her attempts to lay out the history of dolls in Voodoo are shaky and her history on the practice of Voodoo isn't well connected to any legit history.
You can use dolls but Voodoo stems from the practice of ancestor worship, which predates ancient Egypt and goes back to Cush or Ethiopia, which had an empire that stretched into the Southern U.S.-which many Creoles are of Choctaw or Cherokee mixed, herbal remedies and conjuring of spirits that one can learn to control and even keep. Being from South of Nawlins, in a Parish that has been destroyed by Oil Companies (BP)-Bush/Obama and the U.S. Army Corp, all of the Creoles did Voodoo and I can even recall shape-shifting rituals but of course I didn't write any of this down-YET!
But none the less, dolls can be used in Voodoo and in fact, I have seen people die from the use of dolls but this is due to how Voodoo works, which means that it is a religion and not a craft, so just anyone casting a Voodoo Spell will not work. I am almost of the mind that it is genetic being that more Creoles and Blacks in the "New World" are in daily contact with spirits and that includes blacks from Ricans, to Cubans, Creoles in La., Creoles in Haiti to Brazil and the Dominican Republic.
Bu one thing that she is kinda shading light on, is the coded and double meaning of biblical Psalms. Most people do not know this but the Bible is only a re-copy of another re-copy or yet another re-copy going back through the Jews, to Southern Iraq aka Babylon, to Egypt to Ethiopa or Cush. Biblical Psalms are nothing but very powerful African Spells, that pre-dates Hebrew and Aramaic. She doesn't really have the chops to really lay out Voodoo, so that the average person can understand how and why Voodoo is a religion and not a craft but I am 100% sure that she is a student of Wicca because she uses alot of examples from Europe Wicca or Witchcraft, found in any pubic library, and makes an attempt to lay out the roots of Voodoo but she knows nothing beyond than any lay person who has been interested in the subject and read a few books, here and there.
So due to her use of this I changed my review from a four to a five because this book is a good one and authentic, for the most part but still a tease for many people-who want the Voodoo Bible which has yet to be writtenVoodoo Dolls In Magick And Ritual Overview

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