Solitary Witch: The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation Review

Solitary Witch: The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation
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Solitary Witch: The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation ReviewI had read some titles by Silver RavenWolf, and purchased this one.
I can NOT recommend this book to anyone is good conscience, and I have so many problems with this book; I hardly know where to begin.
Ms. RavenWolf is into getting you to practise her spells instead of giving you the knowledgs and tools to write your own.
Simply reading the words without your intent and energy behind them; you might as well say Hocus pocus!, Shazam!, Abracadabra!, etc.
I am very disturbed by the fact that the author did not even devote one sentence to discussion of the Rede, and teaching the newbies the "ethics" of magic. All magic has a boomerang effect. What you send out is visited on you.
I need to speak to a few matters in the book.
Page 20: "She is the Maiden, Mother and Crone, Shr is the sacred trinity of all religions, Indeed, She is the Holy Ghost"
I am a devout Pagan, and have no love lost for the religion calling itself "christianity" today. However; this sounds as if the author is trying to confuse young people that Wicca is compatible with "christianity".
Before a person has reached adulthood; Neither I nor anyone else have the right to interfere with the spiritual guidance of your parents or guardians.
Page 122: altar layout illustration
The altar layout is entirely too complex. Many people do not have all of the tools or feel the need for some of them. Do not become concerned that you can't do magick because you do not have hundreds of $ to spend on tools.
Start where you are. Cut a limb from a tree and use it as a wand, use tealight or votive candles, use a kitchen knife for an athame, pick up two rocks to represent the God and Goddess, you might visit yard sales, and pick up ceramic figurines of birds, etc.
Page 173: "Most magical people begin working with totem animals by choosing their favorite creature."
I thought this was to be a book about Wicca instead of a book on Shamanism. Furthermore; the totem animal chould choose to work with you; not the other way around.
Page 320: "Reiki is s channeled form of energy healing that originated in Japan"
I am a Master/Teacher or higher in five different forms of Reiki, and can state categoricaly that Reiki is not part of the Wicca system or vice versa.
Page 372: "To understand where the concept of demons comes from, we have to look deep into history and the split between the Pagan belief system and Christian superstition used as a vehicle to control the people."
I have no use for "christianity", but I am deeply offended that the author gives her belief credence; but relegate "christianity" to superstition.
Page 435: "Citrine Purpose: Anti-nightmare, protection, psychism".
The Author has Citrine and Amethyst confused here. Citrine is healing, and works withthe 2nd and third chakras. Citrine is one of four stones that do not need to be cleansed of negativity. The other three stones are Kyanite, Obsidian, and Selenite
I sincerely recommend that you leave this book on the book shelf.
If you are insterested in Wicca; see my Wicca listmania list, or investigate the writings of Scott Cunningham, Amber K, Marian Green, Paul Tuitean and Estelle Daniels, and Dorothy morrison.Solitary Witch: The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation Overview

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