Tropical Spells Hoodoos and Voodoos + The Rare Black Pullet Manuscript Review

Tropical Spells Hoodoos and Voodoos + The Rare Black Pullet Manuscript
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Tropical Spells Hoodoos and Voodoos + The Rare Black Pullet Manuscript ReviewFirst of all, this book has pretty much nothing about Vodoun or even New Orleans style Voodoo. It's all hoodoo (which admittedly the average person doesn't know is different from Voodoo,) and of the hoodoo, a lot of that is very wiccanized -- there are even spells that say to use an athame! There are maybe one or two spells I'd call "tropical" and the rest are general North American hoodoo. This is extra annoying given how much the back cover goes on about traditional African religions and "Caribbean Magick."
Thing is, almost all this information is lifted off of the internet. I even found stuff from *my own* hoodoo blogs reprinted in this book, spells I invented myself. I'm a female of European ancestry and live in Santa Fe, New Mexico, to give an idea of how tropical that is.
But, let us ignore the failure to deliver the promises of the covers (you know what they say about books and covers...) and consider it as just following in the traditions of L.W. De Laurence and M. Young to be reprinting materials swiped from other sources. Let's just consider the value of this as a spellbook.
If you aren't too bothered by the less-than-traditional ingredients sometimes called for, the spells are probably fine as spells -- nothing in it made me scream "No, you should NEVER do THAT!!" or anything. There's a section of making mojos, some psalm spells, my own bottle spell, so on and suchlike. A few of them seem to have had steps or ingredients omitted during the copy-pasting process of the editor. The Black Pullet alone really is what saves this thing from a 2-star review from me, though. (The Black Pullet is a famous magical text, and the translation seems to be in the public domain, hence it's inclusion as a bonus.) The Black Pullet illustrations could have stood to be redrawn though. There are also illustrated pages in the book, scanned from old conjure catalogues ( and I think I might know the source of these scans as well) that could have used a little more retouching as well. The BP pictures are pixelated and grainy. The catalogue pages needed serious brightness/contrast adjusting.
I'd say of this book... it's as good as some of the other "Voodoo" works on the market -- I'd compare it to H. U. Lampe's "Famous Voodoo Spells" in overall quality -- but if I had it to do over, I'd probably just buy up The Black Pullet: Science of Magical Talisman on its own and forego the rest of this.Tropical Spells Hoodoos and Voodoos + The Rare Black Pullet Manuscript Overview

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