Spiritual Cleansing: Handbook of Psychic Protection (English Edition) Review

Spiritual Cleansing: Handbook of Psychic Protection (English Edition)
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Spiritual Cleansing: Handbook of Psychic Protection (English Edition) ReviewThis small, but valuable book is a formulary for the cleansing and protection of the body, your animals, and the environment in your house and office. He discusses the magical properties of the different types of water, herbs, herbal combinations, and tools, such as eggs and mothballs, which can be used to remove negative energies and establish energy screens for psychic protection. Included are spells and other formulas that you can use to focus your intent to increase positivity and abundance in your life and surroundings. Included are recipes for baths, incense mixtures, and floor washes. This may be the only book to my knowledge that collects this type of information in one place. I have used many of the procedures myself. For example, I used the "egg procedure" (where you rub an egg all over the body of your pet, and then flush the uncracked egg down the toilet) to remove negative "vibes" from my cats to lighten up their attitudes about a new home to which we had moved). I found the principles of cleansing and protection for the various methods described by the author to be both easy to do and quite effective in their results. Mickaharic does emphasize repeatedly throughout the book, that it is *not* wise to improvise any of the methods and components (such as herbs) described in the book, without completely understanding the magical implications, meanings and intent of each part of the spell. It is my guess that the author is from Eastern Europe based on his knowledge of traditional herbal floor washes and fumigation recipes to keep one's home environment psychically purified.Spiritual Cleansing: Handbook of Psychic Protection (English Edition) Overview

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