Modern Magick: Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts (Llewellyn's High Magick) Review

Modern Magick: Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts (Llewellyn's High Magick)
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Modern Magick: Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts (Llewellyn's High Magick) Review
I have basically lived this book for about the last three years.I have taken my time in going through it and studying it and practicing the material thoroughly, both for practice and practical use.I have almost finished it now, as I only have two more chapters to work through.
I am not, however, saying the work is perfect.The main thing that attracted me to this book was its higher degree of usability.I had a pretty good background in magick (of the pagan style, mostly) long before I picked up this book.I knew of the western (hermetic) tradition but I had never found it easy to put the material into practical use. In too many high magick books, they just throw the information at you with no explanation at all of how to use it.This book actually explains it to a much greater degree.For me, it was the missing piece of the puzzle that opened up high magick for me.
The results have been astounding.Suffice it to say that I have done things with the knowledge in this book that scientists (and other people who lack common sense) would deem absolutely impossible.I have not studied this book alone,but in conjunction with the works of Agrippa,Crowley,Regardie, and others.I have NEVER blindly followed the author's view on anything.And I must say, he never encourages anyone to treat his writing as gospel truth.At times, I have altered the practices (in small ways, mostly)
to fit with my own style of magick.
To the beginner in Magick, this book is a godsend.But don't treat it like a bible, and always get more than one opinion when trying to research the occult.Magick is not an exact science but an intuitive art,so don't trust just one author. i have found things in the book that did not make sense to me:for instance, in the elemental consecration rituals, the names that are used to charge the tool are NOT the same names that are actually written on the tool! they are all mixed up.
the holy name for fire is abbreviated and used to charge the air dagger.the holy name for air is shortened from SHADDAI EL CHAI to just EL, and is supposedly used to charge the fire wand.and it is so on from there.The right names are there, but they seem misplaced.For myself, I chose to set them right, as I see no benefit at all in charging an elemental tool with a name that corresponds to a different element entirely.I would recommend this to anyone.
here is a reading list to help you negotiate Kraig's book and cross-reference it with other(sometimes more reliable) matieral:
"3 books of occult philosophy" by henry cornelius agrippa
"777" or any other book by Crowley
"A garden of pomegranates" by Israel Regardie
"the golden dawn" by Israel Regardie
"the mystical qabalah" by Dion Fortune
"the chaldean oracles" attributed to Zoroaster
Modern Magick: Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts (Llewellyn's High Magick) Overview

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