Mirror Mirror Seven Years Bad Luck Review

Mirror Mirror Seven Years Bad Luck
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Mirror Mirror Seven Years Bad Luck ReviewI was pulled in from the first chapter. Seemed so real,. Didn't want it to end.Mirror Mirror Seven Years Bad Luck OverviewSpring finds more than peace and solitude when she flees to her grandparent's estate home in Maine. Her decaying marriage has consumed her thoughts, leaving her feeling vulnerable with little self esteem. She discovers the old antique mirror stored in the creepy shed, which reveals that it holds more than just her simple reflection. The visions of an old woman in the mirror frighten her, and she wrongfully believes it could have something to do with her deceased grandmother's psychic ability coming back to haunt her. Her grandmother warned her that her own vainness would be her downfall; her words meant little, until she is morphed into another dimension. Smashing the mirror in a rage, takes the superstition seven years bad luck to whole new level. The mirror world is a cold, harsh place, and having a sentence there, will be a living hell, unless she can find another way to escape. Her only hope is her twin sister. Her twin sister has marriage woes of own, which lead to her murdering her husband in a very unique way. She does manage to save her sister from the mirror world, but the cost is exchanging places with her. Every mirror is a two way mirror to this secret world, and they observe us and wait for us. The guardian of the mirror world Alvaro is a strong presence, and it's hard to decide if he is friend or foe. The mirror world makes one reflect their inner beauty, and takes you to hidden deep dark crystal caverns, where ones outward appearance has little value.

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