Cymbelina and The Cat With No Name Review

Cymbelina and The Cat With No Name
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Cymbelina and The Cat With No Name ReviewJust read Cymbelina and the Cat with No Name - I bought it for my niece, but read it first. I loved it! The characters are well drawn and distinctive and the story has the timeless feel of a classic. There's everything that kids like - animals, magic, adventure and suspense, humor. It's quite clever the way problems mount up and then are solved by the lead character, with a little magical help. Good, clean fun, but never boring.Cymbelina and The Cat With No Name OverviewA magical novel for children set in England, by Richard Spanswick.Major Barker's dog, Sapper, is a problem. His endless barking is driving the whole neighborhood crazy. Next door, the Christmas's cat is determined to do something about it. But who will take a cat called Mouse seriously? The only one who can help Mouse become the local hero is Cymbelina, the bewitching but bad-tempered cat at the antique store. But Mouse soon learns that everything comes at a price - and may have unintended, and at times hilarious, consequences.Excerpt:'I really am so keen to help my new friend, Mr' what did you say your name was?' Here, Cymbelina looked at Mouse with such intensity that he started to feel dizzy again. Those green eyes seemed to swirl and sway in front of him, and he thought he was going to fall off the pouffe.‘I didn't''‘Oh no, that's right, you didn't tell me.' Cymbelina's deep and mysterious eyes held Mouse locked in their unblinking gaze. ‘Would you like to give me your name now?'‘My name?' Mouse felt himself being sucked into that spinning pool of green. He was sinking, sinking' Then, suddenly, something clicked in his head. He snapped out of the daze and everything was clear - so bright and clear he was almost dazzled. He knew the answer to the problem - the problem of his own life.‘My name!' Mouse almost shouted the words. ‘Yes, I'll give you my name!'No sooner had he said it than he wished he hadn't. The room went quiet and Mouse began to feel rather silly. He shifted uncomfortably on the pouffe. Then Cymbelina smiled quizzically and said, ‘You mean you'll give me your name in exchange for my stopping Sapper barking? That's the deal?'‘Yes,' said Mouse, sheepishly.‘And what will you do without a name?'‘I don't know - get another, I suppose.'‘Well, well, well, what an unusual offer! I'll have to think about that.' She looked into the glowing coals and thought. A shower of sparks rose and settled like fireflies on the bricks at the back of the fireplace before dying out. ‘Mmm, what can I do with a name?' Cymbelina turned back to Mouse with an amused expression and continued, ‘Can I put it in the shop window with a sign saying “One Slightly Used Name. A Bargain at £200"? Or maybe I could sell it with the grandfather clock: “Special Offer, Buy this Antique Clock (needs slight adjustment) and Get this Antique Name Free!" After all, your name is an antique isn't it? Passed down from your father and your grandfather and your great-grandfather? Oh, but forgive me, I don't know your name, do I? How can I tell what it's worth?' Cymbelina paused and looked expectantly at Mouse.‘It's Mouse,' said Mouse very quietly.For a moment the silence was deafening. And then Cymbelina almost exploded with delight.‘Oh, wonderful, wonderful! A cat called Mouse!

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