Necronomicon Spellbook Review

Necronomicon Spellbook
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Necronomicon Spellbook Reviewnow, it has been debating in-depth, quite for some time whether or not the necronomicon in general is a myth. That the belief system of this book generates it power only by new believers. Whether the necronomicon is authentic or not, this is not the case with me because it is a very powerful book. i know this by having a copy of it years ago.
now concerning the spellbook; the book is explained quite simply. you will come to know what spirit to call and for what purposes, from what i've heard the results are immediate.
i actually came across this book because of the sigils for i'm interested in all sorts of sigils.
i have not tried any of the spells or incantations out of this book because there is not banishing ritual ( a license to depart the spirits after you've called them ) and that is a very bad thing. that is why i am giving this book a three star rating.
to me, it seemed like simon was trying to get more consumers to buy his products with the continuation of the necronomicon legacy for the sole-purpose of making a fast buck. but if the spells due work (and from what i've heard, they do) it was very irresponsible of him to not decribe any banishing rituals in the book. any practitioner of the arts knows that banishing is a very serious rule of thumb when contacting any type of spirits. therefore i doubt his authentification (if any) of his knowledge in the occult.
if you do buy this book and intend to use it, please learn how to properly banish spirits so you can develop a solid system of your own to banish these entities.
you may get what you want but if you happen to so something wrong or just pissed of the the spirit by summoning it;it may linger around and eventuall destroy your life and that far outweighs any wish granted. so becareful!Necronomicon Spellbook Overview

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